Ваш вибір: 85 iз 61 технології
Application Level
Household | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Application Level
Household | “retrete seco” puede hacer referencia a diferentes tecnologías o a combinaciones de tecnologías (en especial |
Neighbourhood | pozos o sistemas basados en contenedores).<\/p>""} |
City | textblocks1"":{""title"":""Consideraciones de diseño"" |
There are two types of Flush Toilets: the pour flush toilet, where water is poured in manually by the user, and the cistern flush toilet, where the water comes from a cistern above the toilet. A cistern flush toilet is directly connected to the water supply network. When the water supply is not continuous, any cistern flush toilet can become a pour flush toilet.
Application Level
Household | + + |
Un retrete seco con separador de orina (UDDT) es un retrete que funciona sin agua y cuenta con un separador que impide que la orina se mezcle con las heces. La separación facilita los procesos de tratamiento posteriores (como la deshidratación de las heces) y la recuperación de nutrientes, al igual que la reducción considerable de los malos olores.
Application Level
Household | cenizas o aserrín en el mismo orificio luego de defecar [S.8] |
Neighbourhood | [S.9].<\/p>""} |
City | textblocks1"":{""title"":""Consideraciones de diseño"" |
Controlled Open Defecation is an intervention that may be considered in the acute response phase where random open defecation is prevalent and no other sanitation infrastructure has been set up. It includes the provision of designated defecation sites (commonly called Open Defecation Fields) and the clearing of scattered faeces.
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + |
Regular handwashing during an emergency helps prevent the spread of diseases like diarrhoea, cholera and others. Handwashing Facilities need to be provided next to all toilet facilities. If handwashing is not a common practice, it needs to be promoted by tackling the drivers of handwashing behaviour. Handwashing Facilities require a constant supply of water and soap.
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
La defecación al aire libre controlada es una intervención que puede tenerse en cuenta en una fase de respuesta inmediata en la que prevalece la defecación al aire libre aleatoria y aún no se ha establecido otra infraestructura de saneamiento. Incluye la determinación de lugares designados para defecar (que se denominan, por lo general, “campos de defecación al aire libre”) y la limpieza de las heces esparcidas.
Application Level
Household | las áreas en las que la defecación al aire libre representa una amenaza particular para la salud pública (p. ej. |
Neighbourhood | cerca de los mercados |
City | las fuentes de agua |
Application Level
Household | textblocks1"":{""title"":""Consideraciones de diseño"" |
Neighbourhood | subtitle"":"""" |
City | text"":"" Las trincheras poco profundas deben tener entre 20 y 30 cm de ancho y unos 15 cm de profundidad |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + |
Una letrina profunda tipo trinchera es una opción de letrina comunal de amplio uso en situaciones de emergencia. Se puede implementar con rapidez (en un plazo de 1 a 2 días) y consiste en varios cubículos alineados sobre una sola trinchera. Un revestimiento en la trinchera puede evitar que la letrina colapse y ofrecer apoyo a la superestructura.
Application Level
Household | mientras la actividad de los microorganismos degrada parte de la materia orgánica y estabiliza el contenido del pozo. Como resultado |
Neighbourhood | se produce la consolidación.<\/p>""} |
City | textblocks1"":{""title"":""Consideraciones de diseño"" |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
En general, las letrinas de perforación se construyen durante la fase de respuesta inmediata, cuando se necesita una gran cantidad de ellas con rapidez y las condiciones del suelo no permiten la excavación de pozos más grandes. El principal requisito para la implementación es una perforadora de pozos de sondeo.
Application Level
Household | también puede implementarse como una solución a largo plazo con una posible vida útil de varios años. El agujero se perfora con una barrena mecánica o manual |
Neighbourhood | o con una máquina perforadora.<\/p>""} |
City | textblocks1"":{""title"":""Consideraciones de diseño"" |
Twin Pit Dry Systems use two pits in alternating order. Twin pit systems include double Ventilated Improved Pits (VIP), and the fossa alterna (FA). Pit alternation allows for effluent to infiltrate into the soil and sludge to decompose in the one pit, while the other pit is in use. The alternating system reduces the amount of pit humus that needs to be emptied and makes the end product more hygienic.
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
Application Level
Household | textblocks1"":{""title"":""Consideraciones de diseño"" |
Neighbourhood | subtitle"":"""" |
City | text"":"" Las letrinas de pozo simple varían en tamaño y |
This technology consists of two alternating pits connected to a Flush Toilet (U.4). The blackwater (and in
some cases greywater) is collected in one pit and allowed to slowly infiltrate into the surrounding soil. When full, one pit is closed and with time the solids are sufficiently dewatered and enabling manual removal, while the other pit is used.
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
Application Level
Household | quedan atrapadas en la pantalla contra moscas y terminan muriendo. Además |
Neighbourhood | la ventilación permite la salida de los malos olores y minimiza la atracción de las moscas.<\/p>""} |
City | textblocks1"":{""title"":""Consideraciones de diseño"" |
Raised Latrines are alternatives to pit-based latrines in areas with rocky ground, high water tables or flood affected areas. Depending on site conditions they can either be built as autonomous facilities entirely above ground with a holding tank below the user interface or by raised partially above ground, reducing the risk of groundwater contamination.
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
En los sistemas secos de pozos gemelos, se utilizan dos pozos de manera alternada. Estos sistemas incluyen dos pozos ventilados y mejorados (VIP) y las fosas alternas (FA). Alternar los pozos permite que el efluente se infiltre en el suelo y que el lodo se descomponga en un pozo, mientras el otro está en uso. El sistema alternado reduce la cantidad de humus de pozo que debe vaciarse y hace que el producto final sea más higiénico.
Application Level
Household | mientras que |
Neighbourhood | en una FA |
City | se agregan materiales orgánicos adicionales al pozo. Luego de cada uso de una FA |
The Single Vault UDDT is a Container-Based Toilet (S.10) that operates without water. Urine and faeces are collected separately. Unlike the Double Vault UDDT (S.9) it does not offer the possibility of prolonged storage and treatment and needs an appropriate management system for regular emptying, transport, treatment, reuse and/or safe disposal of collected excreta products.
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
Double Vault UDDTs operate without water. Urine and faeces are diverted using a Urine Diverting Dry Toilet (U.2) and are collected separately. While urine goes into a container (or is drained away), faeces are collected in vaults underneath, where they are stored and dried. Alternating vaults allow for prolonged storage and thereby treatment of collected faeces in the unused vault.
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
Las letrinas elevadas son una alternativa a las letrinas basadas en pozos para las regiones con suelos rocosos, capas freáticas altas y zonas afectadas por las inundaciones. Según las condiciones del lugar, se pueden construir como instalaciones autónomas encima del suelo por completo, con un tanque de contención debajo de la interfaz de usuario o parcialmente elevadas sobre el suelo, lo que reduce el riesgo de contaminar el agua subterránea.
Application Level
Household | las letrinas elevadas que tienen el pozo ubicado de manera parcial debajo de la tierra permiten la percolación de parte del efluente en el suelo a través del fondo y las paredes del pozo |
Neighbourhood | al tiempo que la acción microbiológica degrada el material orgánico. Las letrinas elevadas pueden construirse como una solución de pozo simple (con ventilación) o como un bloque de retretes con varios cubículos en fila |
City | y una trinchera o un tanque de almacenamiento más grande debajo. Ventilar los bloques de retretes es difícil |
A Container-Based Toilet is an on-site sanitation solution, available in a variety of forms that work on the principle of containing the excreta. Faeces and urine are collected in sealable, removable containers (also sometimes called cartridges), where they are sealed and stored until they are transported to a Transfer Station [C.6] or treatment facility. The portable Container-Based Toilet allows for private in-home use and easy and convenient collection and transport. Very large containers also can be installed below multiple latrines to simplify emptying [S.7].
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + |
The Chemical Toilet, commonly referred to as a ‘portaloo’, can be used as an immediate solution in the acute response phase of an emergency. Chemical toilets are generally contained in a single prefabricated plastic portable unit, or cubicle, that collects human excreta in a sealed holding tank which contains chemicals that disinfects excreta and/or decreases odours.
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
The Worm-Based Toilet is an emerging technology that has been used successfully in rural, peri-urban and camp settings. It consists of a pour flush pan connected to a vermifilter (filter containing worms). The effluent infiltrates into the soil and the vermicompost (worm waste) is emptied approximately every 5 years.
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + |
Un retrete basado en contenedores es una solución de saneamiento que se instala en el lugar y se encuentra disponible en una variedad de formatos que funcionan sobre la base del principio de contención del excremento. Las heces y la orina se recolectan en contenedores sellables y extraíbles (que, a veces, se denominan “cartuchos”), donde se mantienen selladas y almacenadas hasta que se transportan a una estación de transferencia [C.6] o a una instalación de tratamiento. El retrete portátil basado en contenedores se puede utilizar de manera privada en el hogar, para luego recolectarse y transportarse con facilidad y conveniencia. Además, se pueden instalar contenedores muy grandes debajo de las letrinas múltiples para simplificar la tarea de vaciado [S.7].
Application Level
Household | por lo que caben en un hogar o una carpa. Se consiguen en diferentes formatos |
Neighbourhood | desde baldes simples con tapas (no recomendables) |
City | baldes revestidos con una bolsa impregnada de urea |
A Septic Tank is a watertight chamber made of concrete, fibreglass, PVC or plastic, through which blackwater and greywater flows for primary treatment, before further treatment or infiltration. Settling and anaerobic processes reduce solids and organics. The liquid effluent is commonly disposed of in a Leach Field [D.9] or Soak Pit [D.10] which provides further treatment.
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
El retrete químico, que se suele denominar “retrete portátil”, se puede utilizar como solución inmediata en la fase de respuesta inmediata. Por lo general, los retretes químicos se encuentran dentro de una unidad simple o cubículo portátil prefabricado con plástico, en el que se recolecta el excremento humano en un tanque de contención sellado, que contiene productos químicos para desinfectar los productos de entrada y reducir los malos olores.
Application Level
Household | textblocks1"":{""title"":""Consideraciones de diseño"" |
Neighbourhood | subtitle"":"""" |
City | text"":"" En el intervalo entre los vaciados de lodo |
The Anaerobic Baffled Reactor (ABR) treats many different types of wastewater and can be considered an ‘improved’ Septic Tank [S.13] that uses baffles to optimise treatment. Treatment of the wastewater takes place as it is forced to flow upward through a series of chambers, where pollutants are biologically degraded in an active sludge layer at the bottom of each chamber.
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
Las letrinas operadas por lombrices son una tecnología emergente que se ha utilizado con éxito en regiones rurales y periurbanas, y en entornos de campamentos. Consiste en una placa con descarga de agua, conectada a un vermifiltro (un filtro que contiene lombrices. El efluente se infiltra en el suelo, y el vermicompost (los desechos de las lombrices) se vacía, aproximadamente, cada 5 años.
Application Level
Household | en comparación con el excremento sin tratar |
Neighbourhood | resulta relativamente fácil y seguro de vaciar.<\/p>""} |
City | textblocks1"":{""title"":""Consideraciones de diseño"" |
An Anaerobic Filter (AF) can efficiently treat many different types of wastewater. An AF is a fixed-bed biological reactor with one or more filtration chambers in series. As wastewater flows through the filter, particles are trapped and organic matter is degraded by the active biofilm that is attached to the surface of the filter material.
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
Una fosa séptica es una cámara hermética que se construye con hormigón, fibra de vidrio, PVC o plástico, a través de la que fluyen las aguas negras y las aguas grises para su tratamiento primario, antes de proceder a su posterior tratamiento o infiltración. Los procesos anaerobios y de sedimentación reducen los materiales sólidos y orgánicos. Por lo general, la disposición final del efluente líquido se realiza en un campo de drenaje [D.9] o un pozo de absorción [D.10], donde se produce un tratamiento posterior.
Application Level
Household | en una fosa séptica bien diseñada y mantenida se puede prever una eliminación del 50 % de los materiales sólidos |
Neighbourhood | una disminución del 30 al 40 % de la demanda bioquímica de oxígeno y una reducción de 10 veces de la E. coli |
City | aunque los niveles de eficiencia varían mucho según el funcionamiento y el mantenimiento |
A Biogas Reactor can efficiently treat different types of wastewater. It is an anaerobic treatment technology that produces a digested sludge (digestate) that can be used as a fertiliser and biogas that can be used for energy. Biogas is a mix of methane, carbon dioxide and other trace gases which can be converted to heat, electricity or light [D.7].
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + |
Hydrated Lime Treatment is a cost-effective chemical treatment for faecal sludge from pits and trenches. It uses hydrated or slaked lime (calcium hydroxide: Ca(OH)2) as an additive to create a highly alkaline environment. It significantly reduces the public and environmental health risks of latrine sludge.
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
Lactic Acid Fermentation (LAF) is a biological treatment option using lactic acid bacteria (LAB) with the ability to form significant quantities of lactic acid and thereby aid in inactivating pathogens in faecal sludge. LAB are easily obtainable and can be made from molasses, milk and probiotic drinks.
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
Caustic Soda Treatment is a cost-effective chemical treatment for faecal sludge from pits and trenches. It
uses caustic soda also known as lye (sodium hydroxide: NaOH) as an additive to create a highly alkaline environment and thereby sanitises sludge from human waste. It significantly reduces the public and environmental health risks of latrine sludge.
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + |
Application Level
Household | Gulper |
Neighbourhood | Rammer |
City | bomba manual para el desfangado [MDHP |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + |
City | + + |
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Un alcantarillado simplificado es una red de alcantarillado construida con una tubería de diámetro pequeño, colocada a menor profundidad y con una pendiente más plana que el alcantarillado convencional por gravedad [C.4]. El alcantarillado simplificado permite un diseño más flexible a menor costo. Puede aplicarse en los barrios.
Application Level
Household | donde no está sometida a grandes cargas de tráfico. Esto permite colocar la tubería a menor profundidad |
Neighbourhood | por lo que se requiere menos excavación y se necesitan menos tuberías y más cortas.<\/p>""} |
City | textblocks1"":{""title"":""Consideraciones de diseño"" |
Intermediate semi-centralised storage facilities such as Transfer Stations, bladders or sewer discharge stations are required when faecal sludge cannot be easily transported immediately to a final treatment facility. Motorised Emptying and Transport [C.2], for example by a vacuum truck, is required to empty transfer stations when they are full.
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Pre-Treatment is the preliminary removal of wastewater or sludge components, such as oil, grease, and solid material. Sequenced before a conveyance or (semi-) centralized treatment technology or pump, Pre-Treatment units can prevent the accumulation of solids and minimise subsequent blockages, help reduce abrasion of mechanical parts and extend the life of sanitation infrastructure.
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
A Settler is a primary treatment technology for blackwater and greywater. It is designed to remove suspended solids by sedimentation. It may also be referred to as a sedimentation or settling basin/tank, or clarifier. The low flow velocity in a Settler allows settleable particles to sink to the bottom, while constituents lighter than water float to the surface.
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
The Anaerobic Baffled Reactor (ABR) can treat many different types of wastewater and can be considered an improved Septic Tank (S.13) that uses baffles to optimize treatment. Treatment of the wastewater takes place as it is forced to flow upward through a series of chambers, where pollutants are biologically degraded in an active sludge layer at the bottom of each chamber.
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
An Anaerobic Filter (AF) can efficiently treat many different types of wastewater. An AF is a fixed-bed biological reactor with one or more filtration chambers in series. As wastewater flows through the filter, particles are trapped and organic matter is degraded by the active biofilm that is attached to the surface of the filter material.
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
A Biogas Reactor can efficiently treat different types of wastewater. It is an anaerobic treatment technology that produces a digested sludge (digestate) that can be used as a fertiliser and biogas that can be used for energy. Biogas is a mix of methane, carbon dioxide and other trace gases which can be converted to heat, electricity or light [D.7].
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Waste Stabilisation Ponds (WSPs) are large, constructedwater bodies. The ponds can be used individually, or linked in a series for improved treatment. There are three types of ponds, (1) anaerobic, (2) facultative and (3) aerobic (maturation), each with different treatment and design characteristics.
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + |
City | + + |
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
A Trickling Filter is a fixed-bed, biological reactor that operates under (mostly) aerobic conditions. Pre-settled wastewater is continuously ‘trickled’ or sprayed over the filter. As the water percolates through the pores of the filter, organics are degraded by the biofilm covering the filter material.
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + |
City | + + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + |
City | + + |
Application Level
Household | por sus siglas en inglés) |
Neighbourhood | incluido el humedal de VF de tipo francés |
City | que es un humedal artificial de VF de doble etapa. En los humedales artificiales |
An Unplanted Drying Bed is a simple, permeable bed that, when loaded with sludge, allows the sludge to dewater by filtration and evaporation and separates and drains the percolated leachate. Approximately 50 % to 80 % of the sludge volume drains off as the liquid evaporates. Once dry, the sludge is removed and the bed can receive liquid sludge again. The dry sludge, however, is not effectively sanitised and needs further treatment.
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + |
City | + + |
A Planted Drying Bed is similar to an Unplanted Drying Bed [T.9], but has the added benefit of transpiration and enhanced sludge treatment due to the plants. The key benefit of the planted bed over the unplanted bed is that the sludge does not need to be removed after each feeding/ drying cycle, but does need to be removed every three to five years. Fresh sludge can be directly applied onto the previous layer.
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + |
City | + + |
Application Level
Household | el lodo fresco rico en materia orgánica (por ejemplo |
Neighbourhood | el lodo de letrina o de retretes públicos) se debe estabilizar primero |
City | lo que se puede hacer mediante degradación anaerobia en lagunas de sedimentación y espesamiento. El mismo tipo de laguna se puede utilizar para espesar lodos ya parcialmente estabilizados |
Co-Composting is the controlled aerobic degradation of organics, using more than one feedstock (faecal sludge and organic solid waste). Thermophilic conditions, marked by temperatures that exceed 60 °C, are achieved when certain basic parameters (moisture, carbon-nitrogen (C:N) ratio, aeration) are met that result in the elimination of pathogens and rapid decomposition of the waste material. The process produces a safe, stable end product that can be used as a compost or soil amendment.
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + |
City | + + |
Vermicomposting and Vermifiltration are two low cost, options for human waste treatment in which earthworms are used as biofilters. The end-product is worm cast or vermicompost which contains reduced levels of contaminants and depending on the processes chosen can reduce volume of faecal sludge by over 90 %. Vermicompost contains water-soluble nutrients and is an excellent, nutrient-rich organic fertiliser and soil conditioner.
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
An Activated Sludge process refers to a multi-chamber reactor unit that makes use of highly concentrated microorganisms to degrade organics and remove nutrients from wastewater to produce a high-quality effluent. To maintain aerobic conditions and to keep Activated Sludge suspended, a continuous and well-timed supply of oxygen is required.
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + |
City | + + |
El cocompostaje es la degradación aerobia controlada de material orgánico, utilizando más de una materia prima (lodos fecales y residuos sólidos orgánicos). Las condiciones termófilas, marcadas por temperaturas que superan los 60 °C, se alcanzan cuando se cumplen ciertos parámetros básicos (humedad, relación carbono-nitrógeno (C:N), aireación) que dan lugar a la eliminación de patógenos y a la rápida descomposición del material de desecho. El proceso produce un producto final seguro y estable que puede utilizarse como compost o enmienda de suelo.
Application Level
Household | el material mezclado (lodos y residuos orgánicos) se apila en largos montones llamados hileras y se deja descomponer. El cocompostaje en recipiente requiere un control de la humedad |
Neighbourhood | el suministro de aire y la mezcla mecánica. El tercer método utiliza una combinación de pila estática e hilera al aire libre. Los residuos permanecen en una pila estática durante unos dos o tres meses y |
City | luego |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + |
City | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + |
Compost is a soil-like substance resulting from controlled aerobic degradation of organic material in e.g.
Co-Composting facilities (T.11, T.12). Pit humus is the material removed from double pit systems (S.5, S.6). It is produced passively underground and has a different composition from compost. Both products can be used as soil conditioners.
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + |
La orina almacenada procedente de los sistemas de saneamiento con separador de orina [U.2], [S.8], [S.9]) es una fuente concentrada de nutrientes que se puede aplicar como fertilizante líquido en la agricultura (para reemplazar o sustituir a los fertilizantes químicos) o como aditivo para enriquecer el compost.
Application Level
Household | como el boro (B) |
Neighbourhood | el hierro (Fe) y el zinc (Zn). Los nutrientes de la orina se encuentran en una forma de fácil disponibilidad para las plantas |
City | similar a los fertilizantes a base de amoniaco y urea |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + |
City | + + |
Application Level
Household | el volumen de las heces se puede reducir en un 75 %. Las heces completamente secas son una sustancia desmenuzable y pulverulenta. El material es rico en carbono y nutrientes |
Neighbourhood | pero aún puede contener huevos de lombriz |
City | quistes u ooquistes de protozoos (esporas que pueden sobrevivir a condiciones ambientales extremas y reanimarse en condiciones favorables) y otros patógenos. El grado de inactivación de patógenos dependerá de la temperatura |
To decommission a pit or trench, it can be topped up with soil and covered. Similarly, untreated (faecal) sludge and excreta can be disposed of in a Deep Row Entrenchment. The covered full pit or trench poses no immediate health risk and the contents will degrade naturally over time. Trees can be planted on top of the nutrient-rich pits and trenches and will grow vigorously.
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
Surface Disposal refers to the storage of sludge, faeces or other materials that cannot be used elsewhere. Sanitary Landfills are land disposal sites, designed to protect the environment from pollution. Once the material has been taken to a Surface Disposal site or a Sanitary Landfill, it is not used later.
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + |
City | + + |
Application Level
Household | cultivo de césped |
Neighbourhood | paisajismo |
City | parques |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + |
Para cerrar un pozo o trinchera, se puede rellenar con tierra y cubrir. Del mismo modo, los lodos (fecales) no tratados y los excrementos se pueden eliminar en un atrincheramiento profundo en hileras. El pozo o trinchera cubiertos no suponen ningún riesgo inmediato para la salud y su contenido se degradará de forma natural con el tiempo. Se pueden plantar árboles encima de los pozos y trincheras ricos en nutrientes, que crecerán vigorosamente.
Application Level
Household | de rellenar el resto del pozo y cubrirlo. El arborloo es un pozo poco profundo diseñado específicamente según este principio: una vez lleno |
Neighbourhood | se planta un árbol en el pozo y la superestructura |
City | el zuncho y la losa se trasladan a un nuevo pozo poco profundo. Antes de utilizar un pozo arborloo por primera vez |
Application Level
City | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + |
A Soak Pit, also known as a soakaway or leach pit, is a covered, porous-walled chamber set in the ground that allows water to slowly percolate. Pre-settled effluent from a water-based collection and storage/treatment or a (semi-) centralised treatment technology is discharged to the underground chamber from which it infiltrates into the surrounding soil.
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + |
Application Level
Household | text"":"" En la cocombustión de lodos o conversión termoquímica más general |
Neighbourhood | se aplica algún tipo de calor a productos de saneamiento |
City | como los lodos fecales |
To reduce the dependence on freshwater and maintain a constant source of water for irrigation throughout the year, wastewater of varying quality can be used in agriculture and horticulture. However, only water that has had secondary treatment (i.e. physical and biological treatment) should be used to limit the risk of crop contamination and the health risks to workers.
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + |
City | + + |
Інтерфейс користувача
Збір і зберігання
Використання / Утилізація
Indication on appropriateness of sanitation technologies according to the three different emergency phases:
The allocation of technologies to different emergency phases is mainly based on applicability, speed of implementation and material requirements. It allows giving a first general orientation but may differ in a specific local situation.
Indication on suitability of technologies for areas with challenging ground conditions (e.g. rocky soils, areas with high groundwater table, soils with low infiltration capacity, flood prone areas) where underground digging may be difficult. These are just indications and not absolute requirements (e.g. underground treatment facilities in rocky undergrounds may still be realised with heavy blasting).
Indication which technologies are dependent on water for either flushing or transport and which technologies do not require water as a transport medium. There are some technologies that can be used both for water-based and dry sanitation solutions. It allows giving a first general orientation but may differ under specific conditions if adaptations of technologies are being applied.
Qualitative estimate of the space (area or spatial footprint) required for each technology. The categorisation is based on a comparative approach between the different technologies and not in absolute terms (e.g., a Single Pit Latrine needs little space compared to a Constructed Wetland). The space required is indicated for one typical unit and not per user.
It allows giving a first general orientation but may differ in a specific local situation depending on the number of users connected to a technology and/or other design criteria.
Indication on appropriateness of sanitation technologies according to the three different spatial levels:
It allows giving a first general orientation but may differ in a specific local situation.
Indication where the main responsibility for operation and maintenance (O&M) for a specific technology lies:
It allows giving a first general orientation but may differ in a specific local situation.
Indication on the level of technical expertise needed to implement, operate and maintain a given technology. This can help planning where skills and capacities are limited or temporarily unavailable.
The categorisation is based on a comparative approach between the different technologies and not in absolute terms (e.g., Manual Emptying and Transport is less technically complex than a Conventional Gravity Sewer). It allows giving a first general orientation but may differ in a specific local situation.
Inputs refer to the products that typically flow into the given technology. By selecting specific input products only those technologies will be shown that deal with the respective input products.
Sanitation input products can be materials that are generated directly by humans (e.g. urine, faeces and greywater from bathing, cooking and cleaning), that are required for the technologies to function (e.g. flushwater to flush excreta through sewers) or are generated as a function of storage or treatment (e.g. sludge).
For the design of a robust sanitation system, it is important to develop a good understanding of the products that are flowing into (inputs) and out of (outputs) each of the sanitation technology components of the system.
Outputs refer to the products that flow out of the given technology. By selecting specific output products only those technologies will be shown that generate the respective output products.
Sanitation output products are generated as a function of storage or treatment (e.g. sludge). For the design of a robust sanitation system, it is important to develop a good understanding of the products that are flowing into (inputs) and out of (outputs) each of the sanitation technology components of the system.
+49 30 419 343 - 45
+49 30 419 343 - 40
German Toilet Organization e.V.
Juliusstr. 41
D-12051 Berlin
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