The eCompendium of Sanitation Technologies in Emergencies is an exceptional collaborative effort of Global WASH Cluster partners with contributions and thematic inputs from a multitude of international sanitation sector experts and organisations both from the humanitarian and development sphere. It has been developed and coordinated under the leadership of the German WASH Network and Eawag with the financial support of the German Federal Foreign Office and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. We would like to gratefully acknowledge and thank all individuals and their respective organisations and institutions for their invaluable contribution to this eCompendium. We would further like to thank the Global WASH Cluster and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance and its secretariat hosted by GIZ for their continuous support throughout the process and for hosting the eCompendium platform.
Lead Authors
Robert Gensch (GTO), Amy Jennings (BORDA), Samuel Renggli (Eawag), Philippe Reymond (Eawag)
Djilali Abdelghafour, Nienke Andriessen, Leonellha Barreto-Dillon, Andy Bastable, Magdalena Bäuerl, Benjamin Bernandino, Damian Blanc, Catherine Bourgault, Franck Bouvet, Patrick Bracken, Stephanie Brandt, Friederike Brundiers, Chris Buckley, Marc-Andre Bünzli, Chris Canaday, Andrea Cippà, Daniel Clauss, Benjamin Dard, Malcolm Dickson, Paul Donahue, Georg Ecker, André Eisser, Steffen Eisser, Miriam Englund, Marta Fernández Cortés, Suzanne Ferron, Gabriela Friedl, Claire Furlong, Sergio Gelli, Feline Gerstenberg, Moritz Gold, Celia González Otálora, Viktor Grandgeorg, Peter Harvey, Kareem Hassan, Oliver Hoffmann, Tineke Hooijmans, Andrews Jacobs, Heidi Johnston, Christopher Kellner, Anthony Kilbride, Sabina Kolliwer, Sasha Kramer, Cécile Laborderie, Jenny Lamb, Günther Langergraber, Anne Lloyd, Andreas Ludwig, Christoph Lüthi, Gérard Luyet, Saskia Machel, Grover Mamani, Adeline Mertenat, Mona Mijthab, Alexander Miller, Ellen Milnes, Patrice Moix, Paolo Monaco, Bella Monse, Hans-Joachim Mosler, Kim Müller, Burt Murray, Arne Panesar, Thilo Panzerbieter, Jonathan Parkinson, Luisa Pfahler, Dominique Porteaud, Nick Preneta, Marlen Rapin, Torsten Reckerzügl, Bob Reed, Stefan Reuter, Romain Revol, Nina Röttgers, Johannes Rück, Vasco Schelbert, Jan-Christoph Schlenk, Jan-Hendrik Schmidt, Stephanie Schramm, Jan Spit, Haakon Spriewald, Steve Sugden, Annkatrin Tempel, Elizabeth Tilley, Erika Trabucco, Tobias Ulbrich, Lukas Ulrich, Claudio Valsangiacomo, Joel Velimsky, Franziska Volk, Grégoire Virard, Sophia von Dobschuetz, Barbara Ward, Cornelia Wiekort, Megan Wilson-Jones, Alexander Wriege-Bechthold, Imanol Zabaleta, Fiona Zakaria, Chris Zurbrügg